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Application Conditions

This terms of service document applies to each of the following:

By performing one of these actions, you here by agree to these terms of service and observe that this document may change after a notice in the control/support server.

Terms of Usage

  1. You are not to use the bot nor its lookup abilities to attempt to harass/stalk/deliberately annoy users.
  2. You will not attempt to fetch/modify the bot’s internal database of bans.
  3. Intentional command spam or attempts to crash the bot are not allowed.
  4. The Antiscam Group reserves the right to prohibit the usage of the bot in any server or from any user they so deem.
  5. Users are responsible for any injury or damages that may arise due to usage/misuage of the bot.
  6. Reporters will make all scam reports in demonstratable good faith, with the best information at the present time.
  7. Users who abuse the report functionality may be barred from making reports in the future.
  8. The Antiscam Group makes no guarantees of uptime/functionality, but we will try to do our best for the community.
  9. We may update these terms at any time with a notice posted in our server linked to above.