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The usage of this service/application (“bot”) in your server requires the collection of some specific user data. Usage and interaction of ScamGuard (“the bot”) is considered an agreement to this policy.

What is collected? #

The usage of the bot requires the following data collected:

If you are a trusted approver, the following information is stored when you ban an user in the TAG server:

This collection of data may expand or modify in the future, but will usually stay within the scope of minimal collection as per the recommendations of Discord and their Terms of Service.

Who has access to that data? #

Users in the control server that have the “maintenance” role may view the current list of activated servers, and some of the server ids may be visible in the logs/logging notifications that the bot sends periodically.

While external access is protected, this is not guarenteed and the bot owners assume no liability for the unintentional or malicious breach of any data. In the event of unauthorized data access, users in the control server will be alerted.

Where is the data stored? #

It is currently stored in a sqlite database that the bot has access to. There is no external access to the database.

Do you store information about users? #

Outside of the information laid out above, no.

How do I remove the data the bot has on me/my servers? #

Kick/remove the bot from your server. Data will be removed the next time the bot is either online or is processing events.

Data will be fully removed from the active working database and all backups within three calendar weeks.

Why do you use the member/presence data access? Are you spying on me? #

This is a question about this screen in particular:

ScamGuard Data Access

And the answer is no.

Due to Discord API shenanigans, we need to enable these intents for two reasons:

  1. Being able to estimate how many servers a scammer is in when gathering information for a ban.

  2. Checking server permissions when someone runs the /activate command in the TAG server.

We do not keep track of this information gathered, nor do we save that information anywhere

Seen below is an example of how we use these data intents when executing a ban:

ScamGuard Scam Check Result

What about…? #

For more information, you can check the Discord Terms Of Service.